The Book Whisperer Goes Off Genre!


When I mentioned I had read too many dark books full of heavy subjects, my friend Kaye suggested Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan. Since I value her recommendations, I immediately requested the book, and I am glad. Nora Goes Off Script was just what I needed—light, airy, and great fun! My friend Susie calls such books palate cleansers. I would agree.

Nora, recently divorced, is mother to Arthur and Bernadette. They live in an old house in the small town of Laurel Ridge, not far from NYC. Nora writes romance scripts for The Romance Channel. Nora describes her scriptwriting this way: “My superpower is methodically placing a man and woman in the same shiny town, populated by unusually happy people with maddeningly small problems. They bristle at first and then fall in love. It’s all smiles until one of them leaves, but then comes back immediately after the commercial break. Every. Single. Time.”

After her divorce, though, Nora writes a serious script that does not end with love in the air. In fact, it ends just as her marriage did with the guy leaving and not returning. Her agent sells the script to a major Hollywood producer. Additionally, the director wants to film part of the movie in Nora’s backyard, specifically in her Tea House, which is also her writing space. Even better, she received additional money for allowing the filming at her home.

Leo Vance, award-winning, handsome actor, will play the male lead in the movie. Readers immediately expect sparks to fly between Nora and Leo. Is that what happens? Read Nora Goes Off Script to find out!

Here’s a bit more about what develops. Leo is jaded by Hollywood, and he asks Nora if he can stay in the Tea House for a week after the filming wraps up. He offers her $1000 a day for the stay. She desperately needs the money, so she reluctantly agrees, also agreeing he can join her and the children for dinner each evening. Instead of staying to himself, though, Leo asks Nora about her day and asks if he can go grocery shopping with her. As a huge star, Leo has been completely removed from everyday life because he has assistants who do everything for him, including ordering his food!

The story does not follow Nora’s typical scripts as she describes them above. It has plenty of ups and downs. It also has some astounding successes, and the story ends satisfactorily. If readers need a palate cleanser, Nora Goes Off Script is just the ticket!

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